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Do you need some straight answers from an attorney? Do you like getting free input from a legal expert? Then come to this event with McDonald Hopkins, the legal sponsor for EO-CLE. Ryan Neumeyer, Christal Contini, and Erika Apelis will be sharing their legal advice regarding specific issues facing your business in small groups and one on one formats.

Open to EO, EOA, SAPs, Key Executives

Labor and Employment Law

How do I deal with bad egg employees?
Workplace violence, what should I be doing to prevent violence in the workplace and protect my employees?
Privacy in the workplace, what are my obligations concerning my physical assets and employees, and how do I protect my data?
Non-competes, are they worth the paper they are written on?

Corporate and Commercial

Maintaining corporate records for boards and shareholders/observing corporate formalities
Legal provisions that mitigate risk in customer and vendor contracts.
Force Majeure provisions in corporate contracts
Best practices in drafting terms and conditions for sale of goods or services
Legal protections/pitfalls with warranties
Supply chain issues and legal protections

Mergers and Acquisitions

How to create a protective non-disclosure agreement with clients/business partners.
Legal issues to consider when preparing a company for a sale or to take on a new investment.
Legal issues to consider when preparing a company to make a material acquisition (equipment, business line, an entire business)

Estates and Trusts

Developing your estate plan
Business succession planning
Establishing a trust
Tax planning

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