Every Job Is a Sales Job with Cindy McGovern


Who: EO Members, Accelerators, Sponsors Most entrepreneurs and business owners are used to wearing a lot of hats, but one thing is for sure: Job one is always growing the business. Dr. Cindy McGovern knows this, and by adopting her philosophy that “every job is a sales job,” owners and managers can stretch their often-limited resources and create a winning system where everyone is helping to grow the business. Dr. Cindy’s five-step formula to sales success focuses on the fundamentals and she will share action steps and real-world successes that demonstrate how to build an effective framework for success. And she’ll show you how to spread these concepts throughout your organization, converting your entire workforce into a sales team. When you’re an entrepreneur, every job IS a sales job, and Dr. Cindy will teach you how to make the most of every opportunity! *Please Register For this Event by going to the EO Global tab on the EO Network or contact Cindy at [email protected].

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