WOMEN’S Wellness Day
Mayfield Country Club 1545 Sheridan Rd, South EuclidWHO CAN ATTEND: WOMEN of EO & EOA; Female Spouses and Life Partners of EO & EOA members Attention to all women of EO: Cleveland Members, Accelerators, Spouses and Life Partners. We will be having a relaxing day away filled with delicious food, giveaways, and a few additional surprises. At this Wellness event we will come together to connect with old friends and meet some new ones. We will also have the chance to hear from Samantha Christy, who is a local Registered Dietitian and Exercise Physiologist in Cleveland, Ohio. Founder of Triple A Wellness, a company focused on encouraging people to live their best life through positive relationships with food and their body. Sam has a body neutral approach to fitness and focuses on helping clients feel strong and empowered. Register to reserve your spot. Looking forward to building a stronger community within our chapter. See you there! REGISTER TODAY